Monday, September 29, 2008

My original idea for this project was to incorporate government with the market. There has been a lot going on with the current 700 billion dollar bailout for mortgage companies. However, this turned out to be much more difficult than I had thought with the angles of the buildings, and of the difficulty of photoshop itself.

My first idea was to photoshop in the White House onto Wall Street, however, the White House was too wide and I could not find a photo of Wall Street that would have allowed the White House to fit in and not look awkward. I then tried to incorporate two signs of Wall Street and Pennsylvania Avenue; however, there were not any two signs that looked right together.

Finally, I decided to try and put a sign in of Wall Street in front of the White House. I found a photo of Wall Street online; it had a picture of the flag behind it and a photo next to the sign. I had to crop the photo of Wall Street so it just showed the green rectangle. I then had to put the sign in front of a picture of the White House. Overall, this would normally be a simple project for someone who is familiar with photoshop, however, this ‘simple’ project took over two hours of me trying to figure out how to use photoshop, therefore, this was a huge feat on my part. I first saved the pictures to the computer, and then dragged them to the photoshop icon at the bottom of the screen. I first tried ‘cheat’ a little by using Windows as opposed to Mac, however, I quickly found out that it was way easier to drag the pictures and ‘drop’ them onto the photoshop icon at the bottom of the screen. Cropping the photo of ‘Wall Street’ was the most difficult part for me. I kept on resizing it instead of taking out the background and the picture on the side. My other problem was ‘merging’ the two pictures together. I kept taking the Wall Street picture and dragging it to the White House picture. It took me a while to realize that the White House was layered on top of the Wall Street picture, so, after I realized that I had to delete about twenty Wall Street Signs. I did remember to move the Wall Street layer in the little box over the White House picture, therefore making the Wall Street picture on top of the White House picture.

The text I used in this photoshop picture was ironically the other picture that I used, therefore, I did not have to really add text, and the picture provided it. The text on the picture says “Wall Street”, this brings in the relevance of Wall Street to the government. I did not think that putting a building from Wall Street would have made as much of an impact because that would not be as obvious. The sign of Wall Street reminds me of the article ‘Language in the Landscape’. When seeing a green rectangle, we automatically assume that it is a street sign. It is very rare that we see street signs that are not green. It states in the article “they (words) charge and activate the environment, sometimes undermining, sometimes reinforcing our perceptions.” After the past few weeks on Wall Street, it is becoming more evident of Washington’s influence on Wall Street. Therefore, this picture would reinforce our perception of Washington’s involvement in Wall Street.

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