Monday, November 3, 2008

1. On Monday after it rained, I was walking down fourth street, and there was part of the gravel that had been pulled up from the parking lot; it created this bumpy surface that had been covered with rain, but the rain was low enough that parts of the gravel were sticking up.
2. I turned the lights off in my room one night before closing my blinds, and all of the street lights littered the black surroundings.
3. The USPS is right outside of my apartment, and the design on the glowing sign in the front has the weirdest design, and i still can't figure out what it's supposed to be, but it looks cool.
4. I was crossing the street and there was a tread pattern from a person squealing their tires on the street
5. I made bruschetta wednesday night and I never really looked at it when I finished it, but it actually looks really pretty as seeing as it's homemade.
6. I noticed a spiders web while walking up to my car in my apartment complex, and the design of it was really intrecat and cool.
7. When I was at Allerton, there was a snake that was right in front of me that started unraveling itself and wiggling its tail, despite freaking out a little bit, it looked really cool.
8. Also while at Allerton, there were a lot of hills there that were eroding, and the paths that the water made through the dirt looked really cool.
9. i went by one of the ponds on campus while going to McKinley, and someone threw a rock in and the ripples of water were really pretty.
10. Since its getting cold out, birds are flying south, and i noticed a bunch of them flying together in a v formation

1 comment:

jonstone said...

Thanks for doing this. Very nice.