Sunday, September 14, 2008

This stencil is one of the most famous pictures of Marilyn Monroe. Not only was she extremely popular in the fifties, but even today she is still spoken of as a Hollywood star. I chose to put the word ‘Nobody’ underneath the stencil because Monroe is one of the most recognizable figures in Hollywood. Therefore, putting the word ‘nobody’ emphasizes the irony of how Hollywood builds these actors and actresses up to be more than just people. Nowadays, the average citizen knows more about what is going on in celebrity’s lives as opposed to what is going on in politics. On the news, celebrities like Britney Spears and Paris Hilton make headline news stories while important world issues are pushed aside as rather side notes.

This photo of Monroe displays iconography through her reputation as a sex symbol in Hollywood, as well as her ill explained death. This is only a headshot of Monroe; however, the facial features portray the seductive behavior Monroe brought to Hollywood, through her modeling as well as her acting. She was put into roles that played up her reputation as a ‘dumb blonde’ actress and exploited her petite figure. This stencil exemplifies her Hollywood glamour after she had established herself as a Hollywood actress.

When people see a stencil of Marilyn Monroe like this one, it can bring up thoughts of conspiracy, due to the circumstances of her death. On paper, it is reported that it was an overdose and ‘probable suicide’, however, there was not a substantial amount of evidence to support this. This ghostly stencil of Monroe draws up questions of what was really the cause of her death, and whether rumors of mafia ties or the Kennedy’s were involved do hold some merit.

If I were to put this graffiti up anywhere, I would put it in a place like, outside of a movie theater, or a movie rental place, or even in Hollywood itself. Even before Marilyn Monroe’s Hollywood glamour in the 1950’s, Hollywood artists have been put on a pedestal up higher than people who do make a difference in society. They are given superstar status for entertaining the public and are paid handsomely for it. Now, I am not trying to belittle their work, but, the amount of glory and money these artists are given is a bit over the top. Putting a glamour shot like this that is well known to most people with these words underneath it will hopefully remind them that these are just regular people, and acting is their job, just as teaching is another profession, or working in a business is another. When I look at this image of Monroe, it symbolizes to me Hollywood glamour, and shows how someone can work from nothing to becoming one of the most memorable people in Hollywood history.

1 comment:

Moot_Caroo said...

I like your idea, especially the choice of color and the association with "nobody." Schweet.